
I loved my Reps

Monday 28 July 2014 Deputy President (Education)

Some memorable Rep Highlights from 2013/14

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Higher Education Funding Policy- which model would you choose?

Monday 9 June 2014 Deputy President (Education)

Imperial College Union's Policy on Higher Education funding lapses in July 2014, so we need to write a new one!

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Vote in the Even Bigger Elections

Tuesday 20 May 2014 Deputy President (Welfare)

Local and EU elections are fast-approaching, with people getting ready to cast their votes this Thursday.

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Highest ever turnouts for NSS and Spring SOLE

Thursday 1 May 2014 Deputy President (Education)

2014 is turning out to be a good year for surveys. 

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Protest Cuts to Disabled Students Allowance

Tuesday 15 April 2014 Deputy President (Welfare)

David Willets, the Minister for Universities and Science, has announced plans for a series of cuts to the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) provision.

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Government axing lab work from science A-Levels

Thursday 10 April 2014 Deputy President (Education)

Yesterday The Guardian published an article detailing Ofqual's (England's exam regulator) plans to get axe practicals and lab work from science A-levels.

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Education Foresight

Thursday 3 April 2014 Deputy President (Education)

Planning Imperial's Education priorities for the next 10 years.

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Surveys, surveys and surveys

Tuesday 18 March 2014 Deputy President (Education)

With only 2 weeks left of term I'd thought I'd give everyone an update on how the National Student Survey (NSS) particpation rates are looking.

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For the love of your Union, vote!

Tuesday 4 March 2014 President

Voting season has begun and more candidates than ever have been let loose onto your cafés, lecture theatres and Facebook notifications.

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Our Global Community

Wednesday 26 February 2014 Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

Next week will see a series of events to celebrate the global learning community here at Imperial.

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