Rep Inductions

 The Representation team provide support, training and a role-specific induction for new and returning Academic and Wellbeing Representatives (Reps). This includes face-to-face workshops in the autumn term, information and guidence on the Union Training Hub, and Rep Academy, a conference-style induction and training day.

If you are a newly elected Academic or Wellbeing Rep, you must attend a compulsory induction for your role


Rep Academy

Rep Academy is a conference-style induction and training day for elected Union representatives. This year (2019/20) it will be held on Wednesday 23 October on the South Kensington campus. 

Who can attend? 


  • Academic Departmental (Dep) Reps
  • Academic Faculty Reps (CU Academic Officers)
  • Wellbeing Departmental (Dep) Reps
  • Wellbeing Faculty Reps (CU Welfare Officers)
  • Constituent Union (CU) Presidents
To learn more and to register your place visit


Academic Reps

Undergraduate (UG) Departmental/Faculty Reps

If you cannot attend Rep Academy, you will need to book onto and attend an induction at another time, during the autumn term.

Undergraduate (UG) Year Reps

As an elected Rep,  you will need to book onto and attend an induction  during the autumn term.

Undergraduate (UG) Horizons Reps

As an elected Rep,  you will need to book onto and attend an induction  during the autumn term.

Postgraduate (PG) Reps

As an elected Rep,  you will need to book onto and attend an induction during the autumn term.


Wellbeing Reps

Undergraduate (UG) Departmental/Faculty Reps

If you cannot attend Rep Academy, you will need to book onto and attend an induction at another time, during the autumn term.

Undergraduate (UG) Year Reps

As an elected Rep,  you will need to book onto and attend an induction  during the autumn term.


Returning Reps

If you have been re-elected into the same of an equivalent role you will not need to attend an in-person induction. You will however need to complete the online e-learning as a refresher.