Andrew Knight

Animal Welfare Party
Candidate Manifesto: 

Andrew Knight is a European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, and a Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics at the University of Winchester. An active animal advocate for over 20 years, Andrew has published extensively on animal issues within both academic and popular media. He is a keen supporter of socially responsible policies that make a positive difference in the lives of people and animals, and that safeguard biodiversity and preserve our environment.

When off duty Andrew enjoys adventure sports such as mountaineering and he is increasingly addicted to salsa.

Fund Education Fairly

Here's how Andrew Knight responded to our 3 Key Demands, along with our traffic light evaluations of their responses:

-- We don't have contact details for Andrew Knight, if you can help please get in contact with us. --
-- We don't have contact details for Andrew Knight, if you can help please get in contact with us. --
-- We don't have contact details for Andrew Knight, if you can help please get in contact with us. --