News & Blogs
Welcome Week 2014
Welcome Week is 4 - 11 October, and it's the perfect start to your time at Imperial.
Before you join us...
We asked our Officer Trustees, what's the one piece of advice you would give to new students at the College before they start? Here's what they had to say...
We have an extra shop, it's called Shop Extra
One of the better parts of my day today was spent heading over to Sherfield Walkway and taking a look around our new retail outlet at it's official opening.
Shop Extra now open!
Shop Extra, the replacement for the Union Newsagent, celebrates its official opening today.
Join our Mums & Dads scheme
We need new students sign up and register their interests, and current students to become Parents to help welcome them to their department.
Chris' First Blog
A quick introduction to who I am. I’ve just finished four years of a chemistry degree, and am now serving you for a year as your DPW.
The Times they are a Changin'
So, I tried, but it turns out we don't have the budget to get Bob Dylan for the freshers ball.
The 110th President's First Blog
I’m currently sat in an office without supervision, and so far haven’t bankrupted the union: things are looking good.
Handover and Takeover from the DPE
Two and a half weeks of handover are now over and I am more than ready for this coming year.
First day as DPCS
So here it is, first official day as an Officer Trustee - I'm sat at the newly relocated DPCS desk and I could not be more excited.