Shop Extra now open!

(pictured above, l to r:  Tom Wheeler, Union President;  Simon Harding-Roots, the College's Chief Operating Officer;  Nick Roalfe, Director of Facilities Management; and  Alex Savell, Deputy President (Finance & Services)).

Shop Extra, the replacement for the Union Newsagent, celebrates its official opening today. 

Since last year, the Union has been working closely with the College to review the services available to students on the Sherfield Walkway. This project has enabled the enlargement and development of the retail space operated by the Union, and has created space for more catering to be provided in the former newsagent space. 

Shop ExtraThis new shop sells confectionery, drinks, tobacco, newspapers and magazines, everyday essentials such as toiletries and batteries, and gift and cards.

Shop Extra was officially opened by Tom Wheeler, Union President; Alex Savell, Deputy President (Finance & Services); Joe Cooper, the Union's Managing Director; Simon Harding-Roots, the College's Chief Operating Officer, and Nick Roalfe, Director of Facilities Management. 

Alex Savell said today that “Imperial College Union’s retail operations are an important part of our activities, providing valuable services for our members, creating opportunities for student employment and generating surpluses that we can reinvest to develop our representation functions, student activities and other valuable services"

"The Union is grateful to the College for the investment and confidence that they continue to place in the Union", Tom Wheeler added.  "I hope that our members enjoy using the new shop”.


The outlet opposite the Union Shop was originally the Imperial Gift Shop, and has now been developed into Shop Extra.

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