We asked our Officer Trustees, what's the one piece of advice you would give to new students at the College before they start? Here's what they had to say...
Tom President "Challenge yourself through new experiences. Take up something you’d never have thought about – like Rock Climbing!" | |
Abi Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) "Make time for things other than studying - university is one of the only times you’ll have so many new opportunities available to you so make the most of them!" | |
Pascal Deputy President (Education) "Go to any events you come across, may it be a careers talk, a workshop, a networking event etc. You never know which opportunities and people you can come across." | |
Chris Deputy President (Welfare) "Once you're into the full swing of lectures or labs and you find yourself at a loose end, spend an hour making revision notes - it will make life much easier when exams come around." | |
Alex Deputy President (Finance & Services) "Form a cooking circle with people you live with. As part of our hall kitchen in my first year, we rotated around cooking dinner for everyone. Cooking for a group is cheaper and it’s much more sociable." |