Deputy President (Finance & Services)

Thinking about what really matters...

Friday 14 November 2014 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

Historically, there has been a lot of operational work in the role of Deputy President (Finance & Services).

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A DPFS Always Pays his Debts

Friday 10 October 2014 Deputy President (Finance & Services)


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The Benefits of Gainful Employment

Tuesday 26 August 2014 Deputy President (Finance & Services)


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We have an extra shop, it's called Shop Extra

Wednesday 13 August 2014 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

One of the better parts of my day today was spent heading over to Sherfield Walkway and taking a look around our new retail outlet at it's official opening.

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The Times they are a Changin'

Friday 1 August 2014 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

So, I tried, but it turns out we don't have the budget to get Bob Dylan for the freshers ball.

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January Sales!

Friday 6 December 2013 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

I know from my years as a student at Imperial that your student loan never goes as far as you hope, so we've been working hard in our shops and bars to deliver a great range of offers and deals for...

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I Love Christmas Dinners!

Monday 2 December 2013 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

With less than 23 days to go until Christmas, it’s time for the Union’s famous Christmas dinners to return!

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In Only Seven Days

Monday 23 September 2013 Deputy President (Finance & Services)


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Coming Soon...

Thursday 1 August 2013 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

A quick hello from your new DPFS! 

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W3 - From a Sub-Wardening Perspective

Monday 25 February 2013 Deputy President (Finance & Services)

When writing my blog about the North Acton proposal, it dawned on me that there were a few areas that greatly concerned me and so I decided to split it up into two posts.

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