Tuesday 27 February 2018 17:15
MR6, Union Building, Beit Quad, South Kensington
Leadership Elections
Effective campaigning is crucial to winning an election.
Campaigning isn't about having the best ideas, making the most noise or having the biggest campaign team.
It's about understanding the electorate, identifying your channels and audiences, and crafting messages that catch attention and create a lasting impression.
What this session will cover
- Understanding the electorate
- Reaching voters
- Crafting messages that land
- Create calls to action
Who this session is for
This session is open to all candidates in the Leadership Elections 2018; however it will be most useful for candidates for campus-wide positions such as Officer Trustee, Liberation & Community Officer, Constituent Union President, Felix Editor, Council Chair or Student Trustee.
Sign Up
Campaigning to Win
How to campaign effectively to Imperial students
15 people have signed up.
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