Autumn Elections 2019 Results

Friday 25 October 2019

The Autumn Elections 2019 results have been published following close of voting at 2pm, Thursday 24 October with 329 new student representatives elected across a range of positions. A record 7126 students voted for Academic Reps, Wellbeing Reps, Council Representatives, Liberation & Community Officers as well as leaders of Constituent Unions and Clubs & Societies.

This was a record Autumn Election with an unprecedented turnout of 34.3% versus 33% in 2018, and an increase of 556 voters. This is the best ever turnout for Autumn Elections at Imperial, considerably higher than the average of Union elections across the UK.

Record Autumn Election 2019

  • The highest voter turnout for any Autumn Election at Imperial with the voter turnout exceeding 34% (34.31%).
  • The first time the number of voters in Autumn Elections has exceeded 7,000.
  • Highest ever Undergraduate turnout for Autumn Elections - Increase of 5% over last year
  • Highest ever number of Postgraduate voters - 2334 voters

Well done, Imperial! See all results below. 

Vacant Positions 

Dates for by-elections for unfilled positions in this election will take place on the following dates:

Nominations open: noon, Wednesday 6 November 2019

Nominations close: 23:59, Sunday 10 November 2019

Voting opens: noon, Monday 11 November 2019

Voting closes: 14:00, Wednesday 13 November 2019

Click a letter to browse positions starting with that letter: