Autumn Elections 2018 Closes with Record Results

Friday 19 October 2018

Voting has closed in the Autumn Elections with a 25 per cent increase in voter turnout and a new Imperial record for these elections. The elections, which ran from Monday 15 October - noon, Friday 19 October, saw 6, 570 students cast their votes for Academic Reps, Wellbeing Reps, Representatives to Council, our LGBT+ Officer and our Constituent committee leaders. This is 1, 455 more voters than those who participated in last year's Autumn Elections. 

This is the highest ever turnout for Autumn Elections at Imperial and considerably higher than the average for these types of elections across Unions in the UK. Results of the elections will be announced by 20:00 on Friday 19 October 2018.
Now for some amazing results:
  • Highest ever Undergrad turnout for Autumn Elections
    • Increase of 10% over last year
    • First time we’ve passed 4,000 Undergrad voters
  • Highest ever Postgrad Taught turnout for Autumn Elections
    • Increase of 58% over last year
    • First time we’ve passed 1000 Postgrad Taught voters
  • Highest ever number of Postgrad Taught voters and second highest turnout for any major election, second only to the record-breaking Leadership Elections 2016
  • Highest ever Postgrad Research turnout for Autumn Elections  (increase of 104% over last year - more than double)
  • Almost 1,000 more Postgrad voters overall vs last year
  • Overall turnout increased by 24.8% vs last year
  • More voters than in any Leadership Elections prior to 2015
Well done, Imperial. #useyourvoice