Next week is Rep Week - our campaign to ensure all students know about the Academic Representation Network. Every student at Imperial has an Academic Rep who they can contact about teaching, resource, supervision or feedback issues. They’re contactable throughout the year, and all students can find out who their Academic Rep is using our Rep A-Z tool on the Union website.
Pop by the Union’s Rep Week stall for free sweets, a chance to win a £20 Whole Foods voucher, to give staff your feedback or to nominate someone for a Student Academic Choice Award. There’ll be fun games and the opportunity to ask any questions you have about Academic Reps. Look out for Academic Reps around College who will be running a number of events.
The Union’s Rep Week stall will be running this week:
- Monday 17 February, 12:00 – 14:00, JCR (South Kensington)
- Tuesday 18 February, 12:00 – 14:00, JCR (South Kensington)
- Tuesday 18 February, 12:00 – 14:00, Library (Chelsea & Westminster)
- Thursday 20 February, 12:00 – 14:00, JCR (South Kensington)
Fancy winning one of two £10 i-tunes vouchers? Simply submit feedback (good or bad) about your academic experience at Imperial online via the Union’s website, or using Twitter. This competition will run from now until the end of Rep Week. Don’t forget to include #loveyourrep in your Tweets and leave contact details if submitting feedback on our website.