News & Blogs
March offers
Check out offers on food and drink in the Union shop, Newsagent, FiveSixEight, Union Bar and Metric until the end of term
W3 - From a Sub-Wardening Perspective
When writing my blog about the North Acton proposal, it dawned on me that there were a few areas that greatly concerned me and so I decided to split it up into two posts.
ICFS named one of the best societies in the country
Last week, our very own Imperial College Finance Society (ICFS) was recognised by Rate My Placements as one of the top four student societies in the country!
W3 - From an Educational Perspective
If a first year lives in North Acton, they are going to spend at least 90 minutes a day traveling back and forth between South Kensington and their halls.
#AgainstActon: Your feedback and thoughts
We need you to send us your #AgainstActon thoughts and experiences to help us campaign against College's plan to open a 700 bed halls of residence over 30 minutes away in North Acton.
A dissection of the College News
What’s the point of widening participation and encouraging the brightest minds to apply to Imperial – if they’re then not going to be able to afford to come.
International Fees
After the Union's stance on International Fees was passed at the Union Council, I have been having meetings
Quarterly Impact November-January
Imperial College Union has released its second Quarterly Impact Report of the year.
Martial Arts Seminar
In collaboration with IC Movement Academy, the Wushu society is organising a seminar for students of Imperial College on 1-3 March.