Use of resources


The Union has recorded the volume of printing on its two photocopiers/printers. These are the photocopiers in the Student Activity Centre on level 2M and the staff photocopier on level 2. Over the past 12 months the Union conducted just over 581,000 prints from these machines.

In order to reduce the amount of paper used with have asked all staff to set their computer to duplex printing (printing on both sides of paper). We have also set this as the default setting on the Student Activity centre Computers and have included guidance on how to do this for new members of staff in our Union Induction Packs.

The Union has also trailed switching all A4 paper to paper that is made up of 70% and 100% recycled material.

Unfortunately, due to the fibre structure of this type of paper, it generates more dust than standard paper resulting in the recycled paper causing paper jams by clogging the sensors of the photocopier in the Student Activity centre. We have had to resort back to non-recycled paper for this printer. However, due to the lower volume of printing on the photocopier in offices on level 2, this is not an issue and continue to use 100% recycled paper in this machine.

When the current contract for these machines expires in 2017 the Union will aim to replace these machines with ones that are better suited to handling recycled paper.


Plastic Bags

In order to encourage the reduction of the use of plastic bags the Union as of February 2015 started charging for these in both Union shops. For further information, please refer to the PDF on bags.

In addition to this we actively encourage external exhibitors at the Freshers' Fairs and Refreshers Fair to either not use these or to use paper bags instead.




In order to encourage staff and students to use less electricity we have placed notices in communal facilities such as kitchens and back of house bar areas.

We have also labelled all banks of multiply light switches with what lights the switches relate to. This will discourage people flicking through the light to find the one they need and accidental keeping lights on that they don’t need.

  1. In our annual staff survey in 2015 we asked our staff for any ideas on what we could do to reduce our use of electricity.
  2. In December 2014 we introduced a College Closure Shutdown procedure for our entire bar, shop and office spaces. This ensures that all equipment that can be turned off is over College Closure periods therefore limiting the amount of power used over these periods.
  3. We have a list of minimum efficiency standards that all newly purchased equipment must adhere to. These are laid out in our staff Financial Procedures document under our information regarding expenditure.
  4. The Union has taken part in the NUS’s Snap it off campaign.  This encourages students to take a photo of energy waste, in instances where they could not rectify the problem themselves, such as street lighting on during the day. The NUS’s Green Team then contact the people reasonable to try and get the issue resolved. For more information see the NUS Snap It Off page.
  5. We have also conducted a lighting survey of our building to check how many of our light fittings were energy efficient. The survey highlighted some areas in which improvements can be made, and we are committed to making changes in the next academic year.  



All urinals in the Union's control (Beit Building) are either waterless or use a water saving device to limit the amount used.


Tea and Coffee

All tea and coffee served in our bars, used in staff kitchens and meetings are either Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance approved products.