You said we did

Made possible by the work of your Sabbaticals, academic representatives, departmental staff and Imperial College Union.
You Said
We don’t think animal behaviour is relevant to the course
Got it removed from your course
You Said
We want audio and video lecture podcasts
Got you Panopto
You Said
Third year coursework was far too concentrated at the end of the term
Got coursework spread out more evenly over the Spring term
You Said
There are too many second year deadlines before Christmas
Moved one of the deadlines to January
You Said
You wanted more feedback on exams
Got you general exam feedback in the first and second year
You Said
The name of your degree isn’t very representative
Got it changed to Electronic and Information Engineering
You Said
Not enough feedback given during fieldtrips
Notebook feedback sessions every night after a day in the field in Spain, Kinlochlieven and Sardinia
