You said we did

Made possible by the work of your Sabbaticals, academic representatives, departmental staff and Imperial College Union.
You Said
You needed better preparation for data interpretation
Worked with college to introduce data interpretation sessions
You Said
There were too few opportunities to meet personal tutors
Introduced structured timetabled sessions with personal tutors
You Said
There were too few opportunities to interact with the Faculty of Medicine
Introduced a 'Welcome to Year 3' event
You Said
Topics needed to be grouped together more
Worked with the college to introduce block taught modules in Cardiology and Respiratory
You Said
You wanted more opportunities to meet personal tutors
Introduced structured timetabled sessions with personal tutors
You Said
You wanted your lectures to be recorded for revision purposes
Introducted the recording of lectures which will be available online shortly
You Said
You wanted more information about medical school before beginning your course
Introduced regular welcome emails and a welcome reception on your first day
