The Graduate Student Union elections are coming! Could you be part of the team that help shape the postgraduate experience at Imperial?
Did you know that there are around 6000 postgraduates across all campuses, including PhD and Master students? That is a lot of people, and the Graduate Student Union (GSU) is here to represent your interests at the College and the Union. But the GSU can only be strong with your engagement!
Everybody in the GSU team is democratically elected by the postgraduate community and you can have your chance to stand for a position or vote for the students you want to represent you.
The GSU elections are taking place from Saturday 27 October with results announced on Thursday 1 November. If you would be interested in being part of the GSU committee be sure to stand for a position by nominating yourself on our online voting platform. The elections timline can be found below:
Manifesto deadline is 12:00 on Tuesday 30 October
Nominations close at 12:00 on Tuesday 30 October
Voting opens at 12:00 on Tuesday 30 October
Voting closes at 12:00 Thursday 1 November
What can you stand and vote for?
There are a range of positions available on the GSU committee and each one crucial for making the impact you would like to see! Find out more about the available roles below.
Academic & Welfare Officers
You like to organise social events in your faculty and bring people together to discuss academic issues, but you also want to make the voice of your peers heard across College? As AWO of the Faculties Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine, Physical Sciences you intermediate between the Faculty representatives and the GSU. You also chair the Student-Staff-Committee meetings happening regularly in your Faculty.
GSU Treasurer
You are really good in organising finances and taking up responsibility in managing financial resources of a variety of income streams? Then you are the right person for the Treasurer role.
Marketing & Publicity Officer
You like to think about effective strategies to communicate to people and also know how to engage a wider interest group? Then you might want to stand for this role! We have many exciting plans for the coming year, and you will work closely with the Union communications team to make our PG events and issues well heard and attended! Also, you will take the lead for our monthly PG contributions to Imperial’s newspaper Felix.
Sponsorship Officer
You like engaging private companies for events and projects, and are good in networking and engaging external partners? This role will give you a lot of freedom in reaching out to external partners and convince them to sponsor our exciting events.
Website Officer
You are really good in writing content and organising online content in a way that appeals to many people? Then you are the right person to engage as our website officer, where you will work closely with the Union communications team to structure our new GSU website and keep it up to date. You also will create and lead on the regular GSU newsletter.
Social Media Officer
You are a pro in social media communication, and manage to gather many likes and followers on all your posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter? Then you are the right person to help us grow our media presence. You also will work closely with the Marketing officer in order to coordinate the strategies and provide the content for our monthly Felix contributions.
Events Co-ordinator
If you want to increase your experience in organising events because you enjoy bringing people together and give them an opportunity to meet, you are the right person for this role. You will work closely with the Events Officer and the Union events team to make the running of our events as smooth as possible.