Luke Taylor has been an active member of the Liberal Democrats for six years. Outside the Wandsworth party, Luke is a member of the Association of Liberal Democrat Engineers and Scientists, who work to promote policy based on evidence, research and sound science.
Luke has a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College London, and works as a transport planner in central London, where his role includes analytical work and managing projects around the world. Luke has a particular interest in and knowledge relating to transportation, urban planning and energy policy.
Luke spent four years living in Battersea before moving abroad to work for two and a half years. He is excited to be back in London and is looking forward to bringing up a family in the area. This means Luke has a deeply personal stake in helping Battersea, Balham and Wandsworth become a safer, more socially integrated area with cleaner streets, better transport links and more opportunities for all residents. He is focussed on raising the profile of the Liberal Democrats in the area, and will work hard to make it an even better place to live, work, and share with family and friends.
One of the major challenges in the capital, and of particular relevance in Wandsworth under the monolithic Conservative council, is the provision of affordable and social housing. Luke will campaign to ensure that the council meets its obligation to provide sufficient number of good quality dwellings to allow local residents to stay in the area they call home. Luke believes that those units should be lived in and not used as money boxes for the super-rich. This is a particular problem despite the massive amount of new housing that is appearing all over the consistuency, and around South West London in general.