Imperial College Union is built on student ideas.
Every single thing we do started when a student had an idea - and we are always looking for more.
It could be anything. Maybe you want to introduce a new sport or social activity to Imperial, link students up with a volunteer opportunity, lobby for change in College or nationally, or set a new Union campaigning priority.
Whatever your idea is, we want to help you turn it into a reality.
We can provide you with dedicated support from student officers and Union staff, as well as funding and resources to take your idea from the drawing board into reality.
Let us know what your idea is by completing the questions below (you will need to log in via the top righthand side of the page to be able to do this).
We'll be in contact within five days to let you know how the Union can help.
You remain in charge of your idea and goals at all times - the Union is here to help you achieve them.