How to sort through your debts

If you have debt problems, it's important not to panic or ignore them. They won’t go away.

Understand How Much Debt You Owe:

  • Holding Letter - we can help with writing a hold letter to your creditor, which essentially means that you'll be asking for time to pay your debt
  • Urgency - work out which are the most urgent debts that need paying off as soon as possible
  • Current Balance - work out how much money you have to start paying your debts
  • Options - look at your options and work out how to pay for less urgent debts
  • Seek Help - contact your creditors and make arrangements to pay back what you owe

For more info on how to get help with your debt, click here

Sorting Which Are Priority and Non-Priority Debts

  • Non-Priority Debts - these are less urgent and include things like bank loans, credit cards, student loans, water charges and benefits overpayments. Most creditors will be happy to renegotiate a repayment plan in line with your income.
  • Budget Sheet - give creditors a copy of your drafted financial budget sheet as proof of your income and outgoings, attach a letter outlining your circumstances.

If you seek additional advice, please get in contact with us by emailing