Committee Members
Academic Chair
Academic Officer (Medical Biosciences)
Academic Officer (Medicine - Clinical Years)
Academic Officer (Medicine - Early Years)
CAG Chair
Council Representative (PG Business)
Council Representative (PG Business)
Council Representative (PG Engineering)
Council Representative (PG Engineering)
Council Representative (PG Medicine)
Council Representative (PG Non Faculty)
Council Representative (PG Science)
Council Representative (UG Engineering)
Council Representative (UG Engineering)
Council Representative (UG Engineering)
Council Representative (UG Medicine)
Council Representative (UG Medicine)
Council Representative (UG Science)
Council Representative (UG Science)
Mental Health Officer
Vice President (Education)
Welfare Officer (ICSMSU)
Welfare Officer (RCSU)
Welfare Officer (RSM)
Working Class Officer
ACC Chair
A&E Chair
Postgraduate Taught Academic & Welfare Officer (Engineering)
Postgraduate Taught Academic & Welfare Officer (Medicine)
Council Chair
Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)
Deputy President (Education)
Deputy President (Finance & Services)
Deputy President (Welfare)
CGCU President
Wellbeing Officer
Black & Minority Ethnic Students Officer
Disabilities Officer
Ethics and Environment Officer
Gender Equality Officer
Interfaith Officer
LGBTQ+ Officer
International Officer
Media Chair
ICSMSU President
OSC Chair
Union President
RCC Chair
RCSU President
Academic Liasion Officer (RSM)
RSM President
SCC Chair
Silwood Chair
This Union Council meeting covered topics including the Officer Trustee goals, rent negotiations, and the democracy review.
Emina, the DP Education, and Nico, the DP Welfare, presented their goals for this year. The other Officer Trustees, as well as the Felix Editor, gave updates.
Rent negotiations were a major focus, with Camille, the Union President, and Nico updating Council on their efforts to reduce proposed rent increases, including the removal of £1.2 million in warden housing costs. They asked Council for their thoughts on strategies, such as an open letter or a petition, to lobby the University to reduce the increases further.
The ongoing democracy review was discussed, with the external consultant presenting draft recommendations for improving student representation and Council structure, including considerations for postgraduate students and the potential restructuring of officer roles.