Officer Trustees

The Union is led by the Officer Trustees who are elected every year in our Leadership Elections in a cross-campus ballot. They take a year out of their studies and work full-time, making your Union and Imperial even better. 

Your Officer Trustees are here to improve the student voice for all students at Imperial. They represent you to College on issues such as your course, department and faculty as well as any other problems you may have during your time at Imperial. They are here to make your time at Imperial even better and to ensure you have the best possible experience both during your studies and personal life. They work hard for all students to create a positive and welcoming student community, you can read more about what they are doing on their blogs .

* All Constitutional Job Descriptions have been recently approved by Union Council and the Union's Board of Trustees, and are to be approved by College Council soon.


Constitutional Job Description*

All Officer Trustees shall:

  • Act as a Trustee ex-officio,
  • Fulfil all Presidential and constitutional responsibilities,
  • Execute and develop policy and further the aims and objectives of the Union,
  • Ensure that all members of the Union are equally represented,
  • Chair relevant Union Committees,
  • Liaise with Union and College staff as appropriate,
  • Represent the Union on external committees as appropriate,
  • Report to Union committees as appropriate,
  • Establish extra duties with the President where appropriate,
  • Coordinate the work of the non-Trustee officers of the Union,
  • Deliver the Union’s strategic aims and uphold the Union's values,
  • Ensure that the Union provides relevant and sustainable events and services that meet the demands of its members,
  • Campaign where appropriate on issues relevant to the membership.


The Union President is ultimately responsible for everything the Union does. The President has real power within College and plays an important role representing students’ views at committees including College Council, which is the ultimate governing body of College. They also meet regularly with senior College staff - including the President, Provost and Vice-Provost (Education) - to raise issues students care about and work to improve the student experience at Imperial. By facilitating the work of, and working with, the other Officer Trustees the President drives forward projects within the Union. The President also works closely with the Union’s Managing Director on directing the Union staff and delivering the Union’s strategic aims.

President is high-profile and varied role; perfect for someone who enjoys balancing many commitments at once, works hard and can adapt to relate to students, College & Union staff and members of the public alike. Candidates should be pro-active members of the community, who show initiative and uphold the Union’s values of Leadership, Partnership, Democracy and Inclusivity in all they do.The role can be demanding, but not without it’s recognition and reward.

For more information contact Nas Andriopoulos by emailing

Constitutional Job Description

In addition to the bye laws above, the Union President shall:

  • Be the chief executive officer of the Union,
  • Be the ultimate representative of the Union,
  • Be ultimately responsible for the whole Union, its Constituent parts, and its activities and governance,
  • Be responsible for constitutional development and preliminary interpretation,
  • Be ultimately responsible for the finances of the Union,
  • Be ultimately responsible for staffing and discipline issues,
  • Ensure the adherence to the Complaints and Discipline procedures set out in Section E of the Bye-Laws,
  • Be responsible for the Managing Director,
  • Be the manager of the other Officer Trustees in their role as employees and coordinate their work and that of the non-sabbatical Officers of the Union,
  • Delegate the duties and responsibilities of Officers in the case of vacancies or if any Officer is unable to carry out his or her duties.

The DPCS is here to look after the 370+ Clubs, Societies & Projects at Imperial College Union. As you can imagine, this makes the job hugely broad; we have everything from Archery to Software! The role involves duties such as helping individual clubs with issues they face to working with national organisations to represent Imperial students. You will learn how to problem-solve at every level and have the opportunity to effect real change in the direction of Student Activities at Imperial. Your decisions have the potential to directly improve the experience of thousands of Imperial students who take part in Clubs, Societies & Projects at Imperial.

For more information contact James Cox by emailing  .

Constitutional Job Description

In addition to the bye laws above, the Union Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) shall:

  • Take on Presidential duties as appropriate,
  • Be responsible for the effective coordination and representation of Clubs, Societies & Projects, in conjunction with the relevant Union committees,
  • Liaise with Union staff to ensure that appropriate support is being given to all Clubs, Societies & Projects,
  • Represent Union Clubs and Societies to British Universities & Colleges Sports (BUCS),
  • Be responsible for the organisation of Freshers’ Fair.

The Deputy President (Education) is a primary advocate and custodian in improving and maximising the academic experience received by Imperial College students. This responsibility demands that the DPE leads and manages the Academic Representation Network, engaging with Reps in a way that illuminates the most significant educational issues experienced by students, for example poor quality coursework feedback. Having identified problems, the DPE then engages various channels to arrive at solutions and facilitate change, whether this be through relationships with College members, collaboration with Departmental Representatives and Academic Affairs Officers or regular interaction with Union staff. The DPE must therefore be approachable and student-focussed enough to maintain a crucial role as the leader of the Rep network and to empower students to be critical change agents in education.

For more information contact Luke McCrone by emailing

Constitutional Job Description

In addition to the bye laws above, the Union Deputy President (Education) shall:

  • Take on Presidential duties as appropriate,
  • Be responsible for reporting to the College student opinion on academic affairs, suggesting areas for development and enhancing the student experience and provision for students, in conjunction with the relevant Union committees,
  • Be responsible for the training and running of a Representation Network for the Academic Representatives of the Constituent Unions and other student bodies,
  • Liaise with the Constituent Unions on all academic matters concerning students.

The DPFS oversees the Union’s finances and commercial services; from supporting financial matters and volunteer accreditation for our 370+ Clubs, Societies and Projects, to guiding and forming decisions on the organisation’s annual budgets. The role is further responsible for ensuring day-to-day student oversight is maintained for all the Union’s services. This involves interacting regularly with the retail team in the Union Shop and Shop Extra on the Sherfield walkway, as well as having direct input into our licensed spaces and what we offer in Metric, FiveSixEight, the Union bar and h-Bar in South Kensington and the Reynolds Bar in Charing Cross. The role of DPFS has evolved to directly affect the Union’s conferencing, marketing and sponsorship opportunities. You will learn how to solve immediate and long-term problems on behalf of all Imperial students, as well as develop critical analysis of management accounts to improve the accessibility and financial transparency of College wide services.

Skills required for the role: Practical, immediate problem solving alongside working on strategic, long-term challenges, ‘accessible’ / financial transparency, friendly, approachable, resilient, critical thinking.

For more information contact Rachel Blythe by emailing

Constitutional Job Description

In addition to the bye laws above, the Union Deputy President (Finance & Services) shall:

  • Take on Presidential duties as appropriate,
  • Be responsible for overseeing support on financial matters to Clubs, Societies & Projects,
  • Be responsible for the Union’s Financial Procedures,
  • Be responsible for the commercial services the Union provides, including, but not limited to: conferencing, retail and licensed trade services,
  • Be responsible for the marketing and sponsorship of the Union,
  • Be responsible for the Student Development portfolio ensuring excellent opportunities for development through the Union’s training, volunteering and student social enterprise provisions.

The DPW coordinates campaigns and information concerning student wellbeing and welfare, working closely with the Liberation and Welfare Officers, student volunteers, and College services. They support students in running campaigns on almost any issue that affects students, represent students' welfare needs to College and external organisations, and provide the student voice on a number of College committees – such as accommodation, disability support and equal opportunities.

In the last year, the DPW has led on campaigns covering topics such as mental health, supporting student parents, protecting the rights of international students, dyslexia awareness, alcohol-free social events, and more.

For more information contact Emily-Jane Cramphorn by emailing  .

Constitutional Job Description

In addition to the bye laws above, the Union Deputy President (Welfare) shall:

  • Take on Presidential duties as appropriate,
  • Be responsible for identifying and informing College of student opinion on welfare issues and suggesting areas for development, and for coordinating and publicising all campaigns concerning:
  •     Equal opportunities and welfare issues,
  •     Volunteering opportunities,
  • Be responsible for representing the welfare needs of all students, especially minority or underrepresented groups to the College,
  • Be responsible for maintaining and running a Welfare Network with the Union and Constituent Union Welfare Officers,
  • Be responsible for providing support to student led campaigns.
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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84