Felix Editor and ICSMSU President

Find out what the roles of Felix Editor and ICSMSU President entail, and find out more about the roles from the current Editor and President.

Felix is the weekly student publication of Imperial College London, and was founded in 1949. The Editor oversees the production of the paper throughout the year and ensures that it goes to print every week; tasks include design, writing and photography. The Editor must seek out contributors and editors for other sections, not to mention encouraging students to write! 

For more information contact Lef Apostolakis by emailing  felix@imperial.ac.uk .

Taking on the role of Medic President is no mean feat, but it’s one of the most life-enriching experiences you may ever be offered during your time at Imperial School of Medicine. You are ultimately responsible for all ICSMSU activities and oversee the actions of all the ICSMSU Exec Officers.

As President, you represent all 2,300+ students on all Faculty of Medicine committees. Each term, you are given the amazing opportunity to chair the four separate Staff-Student Liaison Groups (Early/Clinical/BSc/BMS).

You represent all School of Medicine students on various Imperial College Union committees (including Union Council) as well as many various external meetings. It is one of the most varied and fun positions available; ICSMSU President is definitely a role to be considered.

For more information, please contact Alex ‘Chippy’ Compton by emailing icsm.president@imperial.ac.uk.

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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
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Twitter: @icunion
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