Campaign tips

Campaigning around campus is only allowed during a two-week window after the close of nominations. You must not campaign before then otherwise you will have an unfair advantage over your rivals. Of course, you are free to tell your friends you are running but you are not allowed to put up posters around campus, hand out flyers, etc.

Campaigning can start on Monday 27 February  and run until voting closes at 12:00 on Friday 10 March.

Here are our top 10 tips for campaign success:

  • Design some eye-catching posters:
    Posters are an essential part of a campaign. There’s going to be plenty of them, so make sure yours stand out.
  • Create strong, original policies:
    This one definitely goes without saying. It’s easy to say you’re going to completely overhaul the Union, but that’s not necessarily possible or even realistic. Think where you can improve something, how you can do it and whether the electorate is going to take the policy seriously.
  • Demonstrate your experience:
    If you’ve been a club captain or sat on one of the Union’s Executive Committees, promote this to your advantage.
  • Use social networking and construct a website or blog:
    Facebook and Twitter are great ways of extending your campaign message. (See Social media rules in the Candidates’ Pack).
  • Come up with an imaginative slogan:
    A witty slogan captures people’s imagination and sticks in their mind.
  • Make speeches in lecture theatres:
    Giving a quick shout-out to a lecture theatre is a daunting prospect, but a deeply rewarding way of canvassing hundreds of voters at once. You might even receive an applause!
  • Hand out freebies and use costumes and placards:
    People might not remember your policies, but they’ll remember your face if you give them a free sweet or two, or dress-up as a gorilla.
  • Get friends to campaign for you:
    Get your buddies on the campaign trail to speak to as many members of the electorate as possible.
  • Talk to people:
    Take the time to explain your policies to people and why you’re the right person for the role. Answer their questions successfully and there’s a good chance they’ll head off to tell their friends to vote for you as well.
  • Be inventive!:
    Aside from the freshers, many people will have heard all the usual campaign spiels before. Come up with a unique, original campaign to capture those jaded minds.


If you have any queries, you can email us at .

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84