Student Experience Survey Response 2012

Deputy President (Welfare)

At the last Union Council of the year the Student Experience Survey Response 2012 was passed. The full response can be viewed here. The feedback that I have received from students and College staff has been hugely positive. The response is structured around the data gathered in the Student Experience Survey, completed by 4,517 students in November 2012. After months of data manipulation, we used the data the construct a framework of 42 recommendations which the Union believes will have a wide reaching positive impact on the life of students at Imperial.

As I am now realising, generating the recommendations and writing the response is simply the first step. Implementing the recommendations and gaining buy in from the College is the next hurdle. To help do this, I have mapped all of the recommendations into an action plan, which assesses the timescale and difficulty of implementation and sets out the next step to achieve the change. So far the assistance I have had from key staff in College management has been really positive and they are really keen to take the ideas on board.

Hopefully the next steps can begin the happen over the summer, with Marissa carrying on the work that has begun with this years response. Soon we will be feeding back on the website how we are doing with achieving these recommendations and updating you with the progress. The next Student Experience Survey will run in November 2013, in a new survey platform which will hopefully make it much shorter and more intuitive to fill out. I urge you (all be it very prematurely) to fill it out. By November you will have already begun to see some of the positive changes introduced which I hope will act as a catalyst to increase participation rates. This will give the Union an even greater mandate to pressure the College to make things better for you!





Becky Lane


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London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
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Twitter: @icunion
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