Why you should become an Officer Trustee

Deputy President (Education)

Today is my last day as the Deputy President (Education) and I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the past year. 

When I ran for the position in Spring 2014 I have only been a year rep before and I was concerned whether I would be able to manage the role with little experience. The traditional path to the DPE role involves climbing a latter of rep positions, for example being a year rep then dep rep and finally a faculty rep or similar. Once I was in officer it took some time, but after a couple of months I figured out how the College works and how the Union is run and in the end it has been an invaluable experience.

Over the last year I worked on many projects with the College and the Union, sat on interview panels, participated in the selection of the College’s new student information system and much more. As an Officer Trustee you get invited on many senior boards at a young age and your input to the projects is highly valued. You work with different and diverse range of teams so you inherently learn how to manage different team members effectively. You manage several projects and events at the same time, which improves your project tasking skills massively. And ultimately you get to meet a lot of people and some of them become your friends. If anyone would ask me whether I’d recommend running for DPE I’d say definitely, it’s a once in a lifetime chance.





Pascal Loose


Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84