Give It A Go and Refreshers

Deputy President (Clubs & Societies)

This month sees the return of Give It a Go, one of the projects we run at the Union that's really exciting to be involved in. Seeing all of the innovative ideas and enthusiasm our Clubs, Societies & Projects come up with to get people involved with them really reminds us why it's so amazing to be involved the activities team at Imperial. 

Give It a Go is proving to be a really useful tool to increase membership with many of the clubs involved really feeling its helped boost membership. With many students coming back and looking for something new to start - be it because of New Years Resolutions or anything else, the January GIAG sessions are a really great way for students to get involved in things they haven't tried yet.

This month also sees the starting up of the Felix GIAG challenge - thinking of trying some new things now that you're back? Felix challenges you to attend as many GIAG sessions as you can! Interested? Get in touch with Felix at

Hand in hand with the GIAG scheme comes the Refreshers Fair. Also coming in to its second year at Imperial, a smaller version of Freshers' Fair will be running on the 28th January in the Great Hall. It should be another opportunity for students to come along and have another look at all the amazing things we have going on at Imperial with stalls from all kinds of our Clubs, Societies & Projects.  

Getting to see that the enthusiasm from our student volunteers runs all through the year is truly amazing to see. If you're looking for something new to try now that you're back I'd defintiely reccomend getting involved in GIAG and coming along to Refreshers Fair. A huge thank you to all of our student volunteers who are planning on running events and a thank you to everyone that gets involved!

(If you want to get your CSP involved you can register for these opportunities from here)




Abigail de Bruin



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