Imperial College Union's Policy on Higher Education funding lapses in July 2014, so we need to write a new one!
Higher Education funding involves:
1. The income of a university (which it then spends on teaching, research, staff, buildings, equipment etc...)
2. The contribution paid by students and graduates
3. The contribution of the government/taxpayer
4. The conditions and limits placed on the above
The Higher Education funding model is important, as it doesn’t just affect who pays and when they pay, it also affects behaviour, accessibility and outcomes.
There are three main funding models for Higher Education, and we need to decide which method we support as a Union.
1. Free Education- does what is says on the tin.
2. Graduate Tax-a model of higher education funding that involves students paying a tax in line with their income after graduation
3. Tuition Fee Loan System- Our current system
You can read arguments about the good and bad points of the 3 funding models here: These were written by 3 Council members; Andrew Tranter, Marissa Lewis, and Alex Savell.
Union Council will be having a debate tomorrow (Tuesday 10 June) and voting on which model Imperial College Union should support. So come along at 6.30pm in the Union Dining Hall to have your say!