Alt Mingle

Deputy President (Welfare)

All I've been talking about for the past week is the Alt Mingle so I thought it deserved its own blog.

This is a brand new event for this year and it is no secret I'm very excited about it. Alongside the regular UG Mingles in the Union building, we’re throwing the Alt Mingle in the JCR; 7PM-11PM on the 28th & 29th. With a coffee-shop feel and student acts performing live all evening, this is the event for students who fancy a slightly more intimate, chilled-out space. It's going to be a free event, with lots of non-alcoholic refreshments and it's also completely open to both undergraduate and postgraduate freshers.

What I've learned this week: I had no idea how much time and effort creating an event from scratch takes.

Between the catering, getting a venue, decorating the venue, checking with security, getting staff, promoting the event and, most importantly, finding the student acts to play - this week has been pretty packed. However, what has made this week bearable and actually rather inspiring is the incredible amount of support I've received, not just from staff but also from student volunteers. Students from IC Radio, Jazz and Rock and DramSoc have been giving up their time this week and weathering my own personal email storm to source acts and sort out all the equipment, lighting and sound tech requirements I admittedly don't have the first clue about. Then, of course, there are the student acts who have agreed to come and play at short notice for a completely fresh event.

For anyone attending the Undergraduate Mingle in the Union on those two nights, you're welcome to attend both events. Due to the no re-entry policy operating at the regular Mingle, I'd recommend attending the Alt Mingle first or last (if you want to go home), as if you leave the regular Mingle you won't be allowed back in! Only exception is hall seniors who are welcome to go as they please between the two events.

It should be a really good night so I'll hope to see you there! 




Marissa Lewis



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