Voting closed

How to Vote

1. Click on the 'Vote!' button above in the grey bar

This will take you to the eVoting website where you will need to enter your College username and password.
Once logged in you will be able to start voting for each position in The Big Elections 2014


2. Read the manifestos for each candidate and decide your favourites.

For each position there will be multiple candidates. You have to decide in which order you want to vote for them. Unlike the national elections, we use Single Transferable Vote.
What does that mean? Well, you get to list candidates in the order you like them. If your favourite gets eliminated (because they can no longer win the election) your vote will pass on to your next favourite candidate.

You do not have to pick more than one candidate and you can even vote for RON. RON stands for Re-Open Nominations. Vote RON if you believe that none of the candidates are good enough for the position, if RON wins then we will re-run the election, allowing other candidates to run for the position.


3. Vote!

Put a number in the box next to each of the candidates you want to vote for. Starting with 1 and continuing until you don't want to vote for anyone else or there are no candidates left.
Click submit vote and then start the process again with the next position.


Join the conversation with hashtag #voteicu


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