Imperial Ladies Lacrosse Team Continue Race for the League Title

Imperial Ladies 1st team have got the Lacrosse season off to an amazing start this academic year, smashing into the South East division 1A league with a 21-0 win in their opening match of the season against the University of Surrey. The team have continued on with this success to defend their undefeated title, dominating the league table and safely securing their position at the top.

Many other successful matches have followed this early momentum, including an emphatic win against Kings College London 17-3. Royal Holloway, placed second in the league, put up a strong fight in an attempt to grab the top spot from Imperial. The match was heated and despite the opposition taking the lead during the third quarter, Imperial pulled through, whipping in some beautiful shots on goal, and taking the win at 9-6. Not only did the Imperial team refuse to give up their position at the top of the league, but refused to do so on the birthday of our previous captain, Erika.

Alongside the BUCS league (South East  division 1A), Imperial put in a great fighting chance for the cup, coming through the first round with a 29-2 win against St John’s and St Mark’s university after a long journey down to Plymouth. The team take on Cambridge University in the next round in February.

Alexandra Wisentaner, Ladies 1st team captain commented “With one match left of the league remaining, we hope to maintain our place at the top and push for promotion into the Premiership league above. The girls have worked so hard this year, fighting for the win in every single second of every single match. We have a fantastic team dynamic, both on and off the pitch and we’re all very good friends. I’ve never been prouder to be on a team and look forward to a successful future with our #dreamteam!​”

If you would like to keep up to date with the Ladies 1st Team for the rest of the season, you can follow the team via their Twitter account @ICLaxOfficial which features regular result updates and great shots of the team in action. 

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