You Can Create Change

We are pleased to launch a whole new section of our website - Campaigns, the new home for student action, lobbying and campaigning at Imperial

Campaigning is about creating change, whether this is a change on campus or your course, or in your local area, or even tackling a national issue. This new part of the website seeks to ensure that students who are passionate are supported to take on the issues they see. 

Examples some of campaigns which students at Imperial are interested in include:

  • Extending the lunch hour on Friday afternoon to accomodate students of faith
  • Tackling the stigma around mental health at Imperial
  • Finding out the perceptions and reality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students in sport.

Campaigns are how the world is made a better place. What change do you want to see? 

In this part on the website you'll be able to go through an A-Z of campaigns which shows current and completed campaigns on a whole variety of topics. You can find out who is running the campaign, what the aims of the campaign are, show your support and get involved.

Campaigns can be led by any student on the issues they are passionate about, as well as this this we have 8 liberation officers, who are elected each year to lead work in their areas. The liberation officers roles are Black and Minority Ethic, Campaigns, Disabilities, Ethics and the Environment, Gender Equality, Interfaith, International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT).  To contact the officers or to find out more about liberation click here. 

If there is an issue you are passionate about or something you want to change which isn't in the A-Z, just click on the Create a Campaign button and submit your idea and a team of dedicated staff and Officer Trustees will help you develop your idea, give you support and resources. 

 You can get upto £400 to support your ideas, either submit them here, or email  Chris - Deputy President (Welfare) or Sky - Representation and Campaigns Coordinator 

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84