Summer Ball 2015 - and the winner is...

The Summer Ball is the huge end-of-term celebration that takes place South Kensington Campus. Taking place on Saturday 20 June 2015, it's a Graduation and End of Year Ball all in one. It’s the perfect way of ending a hard academic year whilst welcoming the summer (which we're all hoping will be sunny this year!).

Last year the ball included a fun fair, fireworks and performances from our amazing student performers and headliners such as Duke Dumont.

We took your feedback from last year’s Summer Ball survey and ran a poll for you to vote on what the theme of next year’s ball should be. Over 900 people cast their vote and chose between Moulin Rouge, Vegas, Bond, Hollywood, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The winning theme got 35% of the vote. So, get ready for the…

Summer Ball 2015

Click here for more information about the Ball!

Early Bird tickets for our Bond themed ball are on sale now! Tickets for the ball start at £30, and Afterparty tickets are just £5, same as last year!

So, get ready to be shaken, not stirred, and come join us at the Ball – we’ve got a licence to thrill! Click here for more information and to buy your Early Bird ticket .




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