Imperial College Islamic Society raise a massive £83,401.70 during Charity Week!

Last month Imperial saw the return of Charity Week, an annual campaign organised by the Islamic Society with the aim of raising as much money as possible for orphans and needy children worldwide. This year’s Charity Week saw the Islamic Society raise a whopping amount of over £83,000, raising more money than both UCL and Kings. Imperial has nearly half the number of students that either institution has, so this was a tremendous effort by all those who participated and donated.

Charity Week is a national campaign facilitated by one of the UK’s leading charities – Islamic Relief – one of 14 charities that make up the UK’s Disaster Emergency Committee.

This year the week was held between the 2 and 9 November. The creativity seen in this year’s fundraising efforts was unparalleled; the week was jam packed with numerous exciting events including an exhilarating inter-society quiz, (Battle Of The Societies), a huge girls only pampering and fashion day (Smoky Not Smudgy), an inter-uni football competition, sponsored treks up Mount Snowdon, black-tie dinner and many more! This was coupled with daily cupcake and donut stalls across campus and tube station, street and door-to-door bucket collections.

President of Islamic society, Ibtesham Hossain, commented on this achievement: “Charity Week never fails to get everyone together, the money raised is astonishing, the work put in is astonishing and the reward is astonishing. I genuinely believe we are only just scratching the surface in terms of what we can achieve through this campaign; the potential of each and every volunteer has no limits and, for this reason, Charity Week at Imperial will continue to prosper”.

Alex Savell, Deputy President (Finance & Services), said: "We are incredibly proud of all the achievements our many clubs and societies make, but Islamic Society have really done something incredible this year. Sitting in our office, we've seen how diligently and enthusiastically they've been working towards this and I'm personally extremely happy for them that it's paid off in such a spectacular way. It's brilliant that a society here are raising and giving such a large sum to such a good cause and I hope student organisations at Imperial College Union and all other institutions continue to do such good deeds”.

The Union would like to congratulate the Islamic Society on this great achievement.

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