Give It A Go!

We’re really excited to be running Give It A Go again this October; we have a huge range of events and activities run by many of our 320 Clubs, Societies and Projects. It’s a great way for students to find out about & participate in many of the diverse and fun things that our student groups have to offer.

Now in its second year, Give It A Go is the perfect way to try out something new, without having to commit to buying membership or continuing to attend. We engaged almost 3,000 students last year and with 100 activities on offer this year, there’s definitely something for everyone! You can try everything from scuba diving with our Underwater club to learning bhangra with our Punjabi society, or finding out how to keep bees with our Environmental society!

All of this information, including a timetable of activity, can be found in our printed booklets that will be distributed at Freshers’ Fair on 7 October, so make sure you look out for our Give It A Go logo! Booklets can also be picked up from the Student Activities Centre in the Union. If you can’t wait until then, head to our newly redesigned What’s On calendar online and select ‘Give-it-a-go’ from the dropdown box.

Thank you to all of the Clubs, Societies & Projects that have signed up to deliver an activity, 60% of you last year said it helped increase membership and we think this is particularly fantastic opportunity for new clubs who are wanting to increase their exposure.

 So take a look online, head down to the Freshers’ fair and Give It A Go! 

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84