Travel disruption during the exam period

A 72-hour tube strike is starting at 21:00 tonight (Monday 28 April). This will affect students travelling to College to take exams.

College has issued guidance to staff and students about travel to College, which we have reproduced below. Links to live travel information are also provided.

In short, it is your responsibility to make reasonable efforts - such as leaving much earlier or taking different routes - to get to College in time for your exam . However, a department MAY allow students to start an exam up to 30 minutes late and with extra time at the end, but only at their discretion and on a case-by-case basis.

Do not assume that you will have 30 minutes spare to get to your exam - this is up to your department and may not be available to you.

College advice




"We expect students to make all reasonable efforts to get to College in time for the exam. However, it would be reasonable to anticipate longer journey times and unanticipated delay potentially leading to students missing the scheduled exam start time. Departments are asked to use reasonable discretion but to consider either later starting times for exams, and/or allowing students to enter the examination up to 30 minutes after the start of the exam, adding extra time on a case-by-case basis... Section 10 of the Duties of Invigilators states [in part]:

10. All candidates who arrive more than half-an-hour after the start of the examination should be reminded, before starting the examination, that their work will be accepted only at the discretion of the examiners, and a full report of all circumstances should be sent to the examiners with a note pointing out that they may accept the candidate's work in that element of the examination at their discretion. "

Union advice




Imperial College Union advises all students to leave for their exams as early as possible, allowing plenty of time to get to your exam venue on schedule. It is expected that the buses and roads will be busy, so ensure you leave in good time.

  • Check for overland trains and buses that stop near College
  • Check the TfL website for live travel status updates and a journey planner
  • Leave as early as possible; if you arrive on campus in advance of your exam, you can do some last-minute preparation without worrying about being late
  • Do not assume that if you are late, you will be let in to your exam. That is up to your department
  • If you think you will be late, attempt to contact your department as early as possible
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