The Union yesterday welcomed Mark Field MP

Yesterday, Mark Field, MP for Cities of London and Westminster, was welcomed to the Union by the Union President, Deputy President Welfare and Education and Welfare Manager. Mr Field was given a guided tour before being shown a short presentation on the Union strategy. Discussion then began on the views of Imperial College students and immigration policy.

Mr Field has recently formed the group Conservatives for Managed Migration, which is looking to oppose policy which discourages students and academics, from outside the EU, from attending UK Universities. This objective is broadly in line with the Union's stance and campaign on the matter, pertaining to the Immigration Bill currently making its way through parliament. The visit therefore presented a unique opportunity for the sabbatical officers to make Mr Field aware of the effect the bill has on international students. It opened up a dialogue for working together, in order to achieve the shared objective. Mr Field was given a copy of the Union submission to the House of Lords Enquiry, on how Immigration Policy is affecting international students. This submission presents useful evidence, collected by the Union, which Mr Field can use in his efforts to counter immigration policy.

The Union is looking forward to continued contact with Mr Field and other local representatives, to ensure that Imperial College students' views are heard and listened to.

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