Rep Week 2014

Rep Week (17 – 21 February) - our bi-annual campaign to ensure all students know about the Academic Representation Network recently came to a close.

A number of events were held across the South Kensington and Chelsea & Westminster campuses including drop-in clinics, information stalls and competitions. Students were encouraged to submit feedback about their facilities, teaching, feedback and more to their Reps, and to learn who their Rep is.

Many thanks to all those students who ran events or submitted feedback - all feedback is now being passed on to the relevant Reps and staff. The lucky winners of a £20 Whole Foods and 2 x £10 iTunes vouchers will be contacted shortly.

The main event was our inaugural Representation Conference – an afternoon of discussion attended by both staff and students. The theme ‘What is Excellence’ dominated discussions with sessions about campaigning for, delivering, measuring and celebrating excellence. A panel debate included contributions from Graeme Wise, NUS Assistant Director of Policy and Prof. Sue Gibson from Imperial College London’s Graduate school.

All Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students are reminded that they can contact their Academic Rep at any time regarding resources, teaching, assessment and anything else relating to your academic experience. To find out who your Rep is please visit our Rep A-Z tool

To learn more about Academic Representative Network or to discover who your Rep is please consult our microsite

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London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
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Twitter: @icunion
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