Run for election and continue your studies

Did you know that the majority of positions in The Big Elections 2014 are part-time positions? This means that you can carry on your studies and take up a position. These aren't positions of no responsibility, power or ability to lead the Union. In fact some of them are amongst the most important in the Union.


Student Trustees

Student Trustees play an integral role in the making of the Union's most important decisions, managing its strategy and finances as members of the Board of Trustees. The chance to develop your skills are vast and this will be a real learning opportunity.  Trustees have ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the Union, with particular reasonability for governance, finance and risk and ensuring that the Union is delivering what it is set up to do – benefitting its members.  On a practical level, the Board meets five times a year along with an away-day.  You will also have the opportunity to sit on the three sub-committees of the Board.

If you want a current student trustee perspective, email Bukki Adedapo, Tian Chew Michael Foster or John Winters


Council Chair

Do you like to be in control of a meeting of over 50 differing opinions and ensuring that all those voices are heard?  Council Chair could be the position for you.  You will be running the monthly Union Council meetings and reporting this activity to Board of Trustees.  Union Council is the policy making body of the Union made up of elected students who represent the student voice and tackle the issues facing student.  Council Chair sits on the Board of Trustees which meets five times a year and you will also have the opportunity to sit on the three sub-committees of the Board. This is a really exciting and rewarding position with this person having a vital role in ensuring student democracy runs smoothly. 

Any questions, email  the current Council Chair Richard Bennett


You can find out more about these positions and all the others on The Big Elections 2014 site.

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84