We want to know what you think about the Union

Every day Imperial College Union is working for our 16,000+ members ensuring that their time at Imperial is the best it can be. We are the voice for all students at the College and represent the views of students in College committees, in departments and in the services we run. As a not-for-profit charity we measure our success in the impact we have on our members' lives. 

Complete the survey now - click here

The Union Survey is your chance to let us know what you think about the many services that we run and provide. The survey doesn't take long to complete and helps us understand how to make your Union better for you. Changes we have made over the last few years have helped us become one of the most improved Students' Unions in the UK. In the recent Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey we became the fourth most improved Union over the last two years.



For just a few minutes of your time, you could win one of the following prizes:

  • 2 x iPad Minis with Retina Display
  • 2 x £20 Union Shop vouchers
  • 2 pairs of Summer Ball 2014 tickets
  • 10 x Nando's Combo Meal vouchers!


This is the fourth Union Survey we have run and already we have made big changes as a result of your feedback. Our 'You said, we did' campaign highlights the changes we have made.

Since the last survey we have:

  • Introduced great monthly drinks offers our bars
  • Continued to run the Pound Zone in the Union Shop and Newsagent
  • Continually worked to improve the speed and functionality of eActivities
  • Launched new nights in Metric and run our best ever Christmas Carnival
  • Introduced real ale in FiveSixEight
  • Launched our Pick-a-Pizza monthly vote
  • Introduced new burritos and pasta options on the menu in FiveSixEight and the Union Bar
  • Hosted more sexual health clinics on campus with free STI testing
  • Run our Stress Less campaign in the Spring term, aimed at making exam time at Imperial less stressful
  • and much much more - read about it on our Impact website!


This really does help us to improve everything we do, so help us keep improving for you. We will be selecting winners at random for the prize draw and announcing them online.


Take the survey now!

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84