Seven Reasons to Run

1Make Imperial better

This is your chance: what would you give to future Imperial students?
Past student officers brought you Wednesday afternoons off, over 300 Clubs, Societies & Projects, one of the UK’s best bursary programmes, and more.

2Be part of the decision

You could be one of the decision-makers that helps run College. Or you could read about them in Felix.
The National Student Survey shows that Imperial students want a better Imperial. Make sure you are part of that process.

3Represent Imperial

Do you want MPs, journalists and policymakers to know your first name? Represent Imperial students to College, and to the nation. 
Elected Officers influence College and national policy everyday; be the voice of the Imperial students.

4Upgrade your career

Get the personal & professional skills that will help you for the rest of your life. 
Graduate Recruiters are always looking for more than a degree. The skills you will develop during your year as an elected officer will put you a step ahead.

5Run a unique and amazing organisation

Start your career at the top of the tree, not at the bottom. Be a key part of this exciting and important organisation. 
Imperial College Union is an organisation with a turnover of over £3.5m, a staff team of over 40, and 2,500 volunteers: all led by student officers, elected every year.

6Live the most fun and challenging year of your life

Every day is different, each challenge unique. 
From running Freshers’ Fair to sitting on College Council, editing a sixty-year-old newspaper to organising the RCSU Science Challenge.

7Experience the thrill of campaigning

Every candidate that has ever taken part in elections has enjoyed the campaign process if they were successful or not. 
Getting a campaign team together, writing your manifesto, chatting to your fellow students and presenting in front of a packed lecture theatre is all part of the experience of running for election.

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84