Go Green Week 2014

We welcome you to Go Green Week. This is the chance for students to learn more about the different eco-friendly campaigns and facilities happening around the College and also voice their opinions on what should be done to help Imperial become as 'green' as possible. The age old myth that being sustainable means reducing your quality of life is simply not true! Many aspects of ‘being green’ will save you money, keep you fit and open you up to new experiences. Despite a lot of effort, carbon emissions at College remain high, leading to related taxes of £900,000 in 2011/12. As a community of 16,000 students, there are many ways to help Imperial tackle climate change e.g. reducing food and energy waste or lobbying College to invest ethically.

Easy ways to be greener:

Bring a reusable mug for your next cup of coffee and fill your reusable water bottles with tap water

  • Invest in a reusable bag and carry it with you 
  • While on campus, report any defects to Facilities Management. Just drop an email to fm.csc@imperial.ac.uk if you spot a leaking tap or your lecture theatre is getting too warm. Its likely that nobody has reported a defect or problem yet and it’s something that can easily be fixed
  • Don’t forget to close the fume cupboard sashes. There are over 700 of them on campus and studies show that each fume cupboard produces up to 9 tonnes of CO2
  • Why not try eating meat for one day less a week? Not only is a less meat-intensive diet often cheaper and more sustainable, but you may reduce your risk of heart disease
  • Only boil the amount of water you need – that cup of tea will taste so much better knowing that you’ve done your bit

 Green Week activities

Tuesday 11 12.00 - Bike Workshop with Bike Users Group at Faculty Building Bike Store

Learn more about your bike and how to maintain it!

Wednesday 12 17:30 - Beekeeping lecture with Environmental Society at Union Meeting Room 1

Learn about the bees at Imperial’s secret garden

Thursday 13 12.00 - Composter tours on campus

Did you know there is a composter on campus? Come and have a look how some of the food waste we generate every day!

Thursday 13 16.00 Imperial Co-operative from in the Sherfield Foyer

Buy organic and fairtrade food at bargain prices!

Friday 14 12:15 - Make, Do and Mend Workshop in Skempton 601

Have any old clothes you love that need fixing? Come along and do just that!

Friday 14 18.00 - Fossil Free Friday Cinema in Huxley 144

Find out more about the new campaign for College to divest from fossil fuel companies.

More events are coming soon! Just head to http://www.imperialhub.org/green-week to register and reserve your place or just turn up on the day!

There is also a petition covering different green areas for improvement, from sustainable sourcing to decreasing the number of plastic bags given away at Imperial. Find it on the website above or sign it at any of our events!

Do you have a great idea or seen anything that College could do better? Tweet, Facebook or Instagram these with the hashtag #ICGreenWeek for a chance to win a £5 IC Co-op voucher! Also, why not become a StepChange ambassador and take action on College’s carbon footprint! Find out more on imperialhub.org/stepchange.


Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84