SVW Good Deeds Day with GoodGym

Monday 24 February is the official start to this year’s Student Volunteering Week and is billed as ‘Good Deeds Day’.


SVW is a week where students can dip their toes in to the wonderful world of volunteering through a number of activities delivered by the Union, Imperial Hub and our student groups. Anyone taking part in a volunteering activity can use the hours they volunteer towards the Imperial Plus Volunteer Certificate or Volunteer Accreditation.


As a national initiative, NUS and Student Hubs have arranged a volunteering activity with GoodGym, combining exercise with a good deed. Those signing up will meet new people from different London universities, get fit and help with some physical challenges to help make London a better place.


For Good Deeds Day there will be activities ranging from a 2k walk perfect for beginners, to a more serious 14k run for the more experienced runners. Each run will be to a different community organisation that needs your help.


The Good Deeds Day GoodGym event will start and end at LSE, meeting at 10:00 finishing at approximately 13:00. You should arrive with basic running kit - NUS and GoodGym will take care of the rest!


Click here for more information and to register 

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
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