Deciding to Stand

The Big Elections 2014 launch next month and we are running a series of information sessions that will help you to understand what positions are available and how to put together a successful campaign and winning manifesto.

Each of the information sessions is open to all students and are a great way to get an idea for each of the roles and which might be suitable for you to run for. They are not compulsory but will certainly give you a head-start in The Big Elections 2014. Don't worry if you can't make one of the sessions, we will be making the slides available online for all to see. 


Learn more about…Full Time Positions

Wednesday 29 January, Meeting Room 3,
Union Building. 12:30-13:30 or 18:00-19:00

Lead the Union and a community of over 18,000 students, 50 full-time staff and an annual turnover of over £6m.

Each year we elect seven students to lead the Union full-time. All students are eligible to stand, by taking a break from their studies or at the end of their course, both Undergraduates and Postgraduates. Find out more about these positions and what each role entails.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Know and understand what the term Sabbatical Officer actually means.
  • Understand what each different role involves.
  • Understand the importance of Sabbatical Officers and the positive changes they make to Imperial each year.
  • Understand what it means for an International student to stand and what the visa implications are.
  • Have an idea of which position would best suit your strengths, experiences and ideas.
  • Know how to talk to your department to negotiate a year out.


Learn more about…Constituent Union Presidents

Thursday 30 January, Meeting Rooms 1 & 2,
Union Building. 18:00-19:00

Be part of history, with the opportunity to lead a Constituent Union older than the College itself.

There are a number of Faculties at Imperial College London and each Faculty or department has a Constituent Union that sits under Imperial College Union. Each Constituent Union looks after students of its particular Faculty or community. They are an integral part of the Union and play an important role in building a positive student community at the College.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Understand exactly what each role involves.
  • Understand how the role fits in with your degree or course.
  • Know which of the roles you are eligible to stand for.


Learn more about…Student Trustees

Thursday 30 January, Meeting Room 1 & 2,
Union Building. 12:30-13:30

Play an integral role in the Union’s most important decisions, managing its strategy and finances by being elected to the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is the sovereign and governing body of Imperial College Union. Through the board, and its three sub-committees, it sets the strategy, budget and policies for the organisation. The board is made up of elected students, appointed students and external trustees, selected for their expertise.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Know the importance and role of a Student Trustee?
  • Understand the type of decisions and decisions dealt with by each of the sub-committees.
  • Understand the legal obligations of being a trustee.
  • Have a basic understanding of charity law.


How to…write your way to election success

Monday 17 February, Meeting Room 3,
Union Building. 12:30-13:30 or 17:30-18:30

Writing a winning manifesto that captures the imagination, and more importantly, the vote of your fellow students!

Your manifesto is your chance to let the electorate know more about you and what you stand for. Your manifesto, and photo, will be the only things many voters will know about you when they are in the process of voting.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Know how to write an effective manifesto.
  • Ensure that your manifesto promises are achievable, realistic and relevant to students.
  • Understand the pitfalls of manifesto writing and how to avoid meaningless buzzwords in it.


How to…be a campaign machine

Tuesday 18 February, Meeting Room 3,
Union Building. 12:30-13:30

Wednesday 19 February, Meeting Room 3,
Union Building. 18:00-19:00

Thursday 20 February, Meeting Room 2,
Union Building. 18:00-19:00

The quick guide to making the most of your campaigning time and getting the votes cast for you.

Effective campaigning is the key to winning an election. It's not about who makes the most noise or who has the biggest campaign team, its about great ideas, effectively communicating them and engaging the electorate.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Know how to plan your campaign in advance.
  • Have an idea of what your big ideas are and how they should form your campaign message.
  • Understand how to use campaign materials to the fullest of their potential.
  • Understand some top campaigning tips.
  • How to  engage an audience.
  • Know the best places to campaign.
  • Know about digital presence and how you should maintain and implement this.
  • Know what are the secrets of using websites and online engagement.
  • Understand campaign team management.
  • Understand the rules of the election and how to not fall foul of them.


Your candidates revealed: The nuts and bolts

Monday 3 March, Union Dining Hall,
Union Building. 12:00-13:00

For the first time find out who you are running against and meet the Returning Officer. Not to be missed!

Understanding how your ideas and campaign differs to your fellow candidates is essential to running an successful campaign. All candidates in The Big Elections 2014 will be announced during this meeting. You will also get a chance to meet the Returning Officer for the elections, Jim Dickinson, Jim will run you through the rules and highlight the common campaigning mistakes and pitfalls.

By the end of the session you will:

  • Know who you are running against.
  • Have met the Returning Officer for the elections.
  • Understand fully the elections rules that and how to follow them.
  • Understand the obligations and expectations that are expected of candidates.
  • Know about the complaints procedure and when would it need to be used.
  • Recognise how to balance campaigning with work pressures.


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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84