Union Council - this Tuesday

Union Council is the paramount policy-making, scrutiny and accountability body of the Union and in effect the democratic voice of the student body. Its membership is entirely drawn from the student body. Next Tuesday's Union Council is the first since last week's elections where the final few members, who make up the Council, were elected.

Every student at Imperial is welcome to attend Union Council and you may be surprised to see the range of issues that are being discussed and their potential impact on your life at Imperial. Papers can be found here.

Union Council - Tuesday 29 October 18:30, Union Dining Hall, Level 1 Union Building, Beit Quad

Discussions at this Council include:

  • Union stance on the Immigration Bill

    The recently announced immigration bill would result in international students having to pay a £200 annual fee for use of the NHS as well as putting the onus on UK landlords to ensure that their tenants are not illegal immigrants. This paper calls for the students of Imperial College to actively oppose this. 

  • Hyde Park Old Football Pitches Consultation

    The old Hyde Park football pitches have been made subject to bookings and a potential future charge for use. This paper looks to take a stance against this. Make your voice heard by filling in the attached questionnaire and sending it to Yas, Deputy President Clubs & Societies: dpcs@imperial.ac.uk.

  • A summary of last year's Coucnil and discussions that took place across the year is also on the agenda, to help new students and Council members get up-to-speed with ongoing discussions.


Any student can submit a motion to Union Council in the form of a paper. It's easy to write a paper, we even have a page on the website that shows you how to write one. You can also speak to one of your Sabbaticals about your idea for a motion and they can help you take it Union Council.

Submit a paper to Union Council

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84