Seven Things You Don't Need to Bring to Halls

Cuddly Toy

1. Cuddly Toy

That cuddly toy you’ve had since you were born. It will get kidnapped/ruined/covered in something sticky…



2. Your Pet

Your pet dog/cat/fish/anything. Even if halls did allow pets, you’ll hardly have time to look after yourself let alone another living thing.



3. An Iron

Firstly- halls provide one. Secondly- within a week you’ll have given up caring whether your clothes are crease-free.


rice cooker

4. Unnecessary Kitchen Appliances

Rice cookers, electric heaters, electric kettles, gas/liquid fuel heaters, deep-fat fryers, hookah pipes. These are all banned from your rooms and if caught they will get confiscated and you’ll be left with a big fat fine.



5. Drugs

The College has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drugs, so if you’re caught you will be in BIG trouble. Like being kicked off your course/sent to a disciplinary type of trouble. Don’t do it!!



6. Candles and Incense

It’s very easy to become distracted in halls, you pop out for a minute and end up chatting for a few hours. Candles are just not worth the risk, and they may set the fire alarm off- making you the least popular person in your hall.



7. Your Parents

Seriously, some people have in the past! This is your chance to have a little freedom, it doesn't mean you aren't still Mummy's Little Soldier or Daddy's Little Princess, just that you are a little more independent.


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