Nine Essential Items to Bring to Halls


1. Laptop & Network Cable

Don't lug your big old desktop PC around College with you! Laptops are the essential item for modern day studying. You won't be able to move around campus without seeing glowing white apple logos. (Don't forget you can get a student discount at the Apple education store). 

Wireless is great across College and in most halls, but for the super-fast fun of 100Mps interwebz don't forget the trusty ethernet cable. (If you don't have one our shop sells them)



2. Bedding

Each room in halls comes with a bed mattress and pillow, but you'll need to cover them. We would recommend not bringing your Toy Story duvet cover, maybe something more fitting of a university student! Bring an extra pillow too, the one you get could be described as 'unsubstantial'.



3. Cutlery and Crockery

Teaspoons! They simply disappear, not just in halls, it's a universal truth of life. So ensure you pack loads of them, as well as your usual knives, forks and spoons. You will also need crockery and a small selection of saucepans.



4. Umbrella

It is England after all. Save yourself from turning up at lecturers looking like a drowned rat with all your notes damp and running by packing a small umbrella for the inevitable downpour.



5. Brownies/Sweets

A selection of sugary treats are a great way to ingratiate yourself with your new fellow residents. Have the door to your room open, some music playing and a plate of brownies on the go for a sure-fire way to be the most popular person on the corridor. 


Fancy Dress

6. Fancy Dress Items

There will be countless opportunities to dress up during your first year at Imperial. So a monkey costume, airline pilot uniform or your old school blazer will be sure to see good use!



7. Passport/Driving License

Being a fresh-faced young student, that includes you young looking Postgraduate students, you will likely be asked for ID when out a nightclub or buying some beers for a party. Don't be caught out, make sure you always carry some sort of ID.


clothes hanger

8. Clothes Hangers

Never enough in your cupboard, guaranteed! Pack a few extra, maybe even barter them for other items with your fellow residents.


usb drive 

9. USB Drive

Although DropBox may well be the best thing ever, it isn't on every computer and they will always be a time when the internet conspires against you. A backup on your USB drive could save you from a n embarrassing pre-presentation moment in front of your course mates.

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