Coming Soon...Imperial Plus

Imperial Plus - Developing Your Skills

August 1 saw hundreds of students taking up their new Imperial College Union volunteer positions for 2013-14 as Presidents, Chairs, Treasurers, Liberation Officers, Reps, Event Officers, Campaigners, Committee Members and many, many, many more! 

From September, those students volunteering with and via Imperial College Union will be able to register on to Imperial Plus, but students can start recording their volunteering on the Volunteer Hours Log now.  


Why register for Imperial Plus?  

  • Get the recognition you deserve for the volunteering you do!
  • There's no extra work to gain the Imperial Plus Volunteer Certificate - just record your hours and complete a short skills questionnaire, or
  • Develop new skills by registering for the Imperial Plus Volunteer Accreditation, participating in skills based training workshops that will support you in your role and boost your employability


What is Imperial Plus? 

Volunteers play a huge part in running the Union and making the services we provide amongst the best in the country, developing valuable skills along the way. 

Launching in the autumn, Imperial Plus will support our key volunteers to develop new skills and evidence how they have been used, enhancing their employability. It will also give the Union the chance to acknowledge the incredible work they do.

Volunteers can choose to work towards either the Imperial Plus Volunteer Certificate (for 25, 50 or 75 hours) , the Imperial Plus Volunteer Accreditation (100 hours - tbc), and for those who achieve the Volunteer Accreditation,  the Imperial Plus Volunteer Qualification (from June 2014). More information on what each entails can be found here

Those working towards the Imperial Plus Volunteer Accreditation will be able to attend the following skills based workshops: 

  • Introduction to…effective team working skills
  • Introduction to…communication skills
  • Introduction to…planning and organisation skills
  • Introduction to…persuasion and negotiation skills
  • Introduction to…self-management skills
  • Introduction to…problem solving skills


Start recording your hours today! 

We know that many volunteers start preparing for their role from August so they can hit the ground running come the start of term. Those working towards the Volunteer Certificate or Volunteer Accreditation will be able to log their hours on eActivities in September.

But until then, for those volunteers who would like to participate in Imperial Plus, or even those who aren't sure just yet,  we recommend you start to record your hours on the Volunteer Hours Log, which you can then transfer on to eActivities once registration officially opens.

To find out more about what roles are considered volunteer positions and what activity can be included as volunteering hours, Imperial Plus Guidance.   

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84