Imperial Cinema's Digital Upgrade Campaign

Imperial Cinema, located on the second floor of the main union building, is a club run for the benefit of all Imperial students, and has existed for a number of years. This year alone we’ve had over 1400 people attend our showings of the latest films – all shown at universally accessible prices.

Since 2008, we've known that a full digital upgrade would be necessary before long, and that time has approached faster than anyone in the industry could have predicted; for the first time this year, we have had to forgo showing a number of big films as they have not been released on 35mm film. The time to upgrade, it would seem, is upon us.


That's where you come in. This week marks the launch of our digital projector appeal. The society is applying for grants and seeking sponsorship wherever possible, but this can only cover so much of the cost; if you can make even a small donation this would help us towards our eventual goal.


To find out more, or to make a donation, go to


Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84