College and the Union jump over 20 places in the Student Experience Survey


The Times Higher Education's (THE) Student Experience Survey 2012, which was published yesterday, measures students' opinions of their university experience. This year Imperial was amongst the top 10 most improved institutions rising from 71st to 41st and more importantly second overall for an institution in London.

Our Clubs, Societies and Projects rated amongst the best in the UK

Imperial College Union also continued to be ranked higher by our members, improving from 81st in 201 to 36th this year. This represents the fourth highest increase for a students' union since 2010 and, although we have much more we want to achieve, is a sign that the recent changes to our organisation and facilities are helping students enjoy their time at Imperial even more.

One of the stand out areas for the College was the student's response to the area of 'Good extracurricular activities/societies' where our Clubs, Societies and Projects rated amongst the best in the UK with a score of 6.1 out of 7. We also received praise for our 'You said, we did' campaign which brings together hard work from our Sabbatical Officers and academic reps working with departmental representatives from College.

In an article featured in the THE, the College's Pro Rector (Education) Debra Humphris credits Imperial’s improvements in community atmosphere and social life scores to the students’ union’s “You said, we did” campaign, as well as provision of music and arts facilities that give students an experience “that’s more than a rigorous and demanding education”.

Of course we are all aware that we have much we still want to improve about your time at Imperial. Campaigns such as our recent #AgainstActon campaign focus on the 'student experience' as being a key factor for students in their enjoyment of their time at Imperial. Through initiatives such as the bi-annual Union Survey and 'You said, we did' we are constantly asking you how we can help improve your student experience. And of course, you can always give us your feedback by contacting one of your Sabbatical Officers or by using our Comments form online.

You can read the full article on the THE Student Experience Survey here.


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