
Imperial College Union is proud to support TEDxAlbertopolis at the Royal Albert Hall, organised by past and current Imperial College London students.

The first TEDx event ever held at the Royal Albert Hall, TEDxAlbertopolis will be a half-­day of inspiring and entertaining talks exploring how science, medicine and technology coexist with the arts in modern society.

Imperial professor and Chief Medical Officer for England Dame Sally Davies will be speaking at the event, as well as David Braben FREng, computer game designer and co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and many more to be revealed in the coming months.

Imperial graduates and a former Imperial College Union sabbatical officer are among the organisers of the event, which takes place on the 23rd of September.

“Recent former Imperial students organising any event at the Royal Albert Hall is something to be inspired by; that it's a TEDx event, after the success of TEDxImperialCollege is amazing,” said Imperial College Union President Paul Beaumont.

The event is the latest in a line of successful TED-inspired events run by Imperial students. In March 2012, TEDxImperialCollege trended on Twitter in the UK, had over 700 attendees, and clocked up over 450,000 views on TED.com. On the 21 of April of this year, TEDMEDLiveImperial hosted speakers like Lord Robert Winston and Neil Harbisson at a sell-out event at the Royal Geographical Society.

You can find more information at TEDxAlbertopolis.com. Tickets for TEDxAlbertopolis cost £25/15 and can be purchased here.


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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
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Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
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